The museum’s pictorial heritage covers a broad chronological span. Paintings on canvas, on wood panels, and detached frescoes document the artistic events of the region from the mid-15th century to the mid-19th century, with particular attention to local artists and those from Venice and Lombardy who worked here. It also includes Northern and German masters who had the opportunity to work and engage with this region characterized by frequent cultural exchanges.
In addition to the “movable” works, there are also the painted decorations that adorn the museum locations. Some of these, such as those at the Castello del Buonconsiglio, represent some of the most important late Gothic fresco cycles in Europe (Aquila Tower) or from the Renaissance in Italy (frescoes in the Magno Palazzo).
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The online catalog allows you to explore a continuously expanding selection of works that make up the museum's heritage. The cataloging of collections, carried out by art historians, archaeologists, and experts in various fields, is still ongoing.
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